“You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.”
Luxury Yacht ES117 takes Elie Saab's Creative Genius to the High Seas
The first of three mega yachts conceptualized by the Lebanese designer unveiled at the Abu Dhabi Yacht Show 2010
Elie Saab in collaboration with Weyves Couture and Oceanco unveiled the first of three mega yachts to be designed by the Lebanese designer the ES117 at a high-profile launch event at the Abu Dhabi Yacht Show 2010 on February 25.
The magnificent 117m (384.78ft) mega yacht is as impressive in its dimensions as the refinement of its design, characterized by its high ceiling, an innovation that Saab exclusively introduced to the yacht industry, and is the culmination of the efforts of an ensemble of extraordinarily creative individuals brought together under the Weyves Couture Concept.
I always sought to represent my vision of modernity and elegance beyond the conventional limits of fashion. Designing a yacht and conceiving its art of living constitutes a perfect opportunity to expand my brand's universe by creating the experience of luxury says Elie Saab of his design direction on the ES117 mega yacht.
Commenting on Saab's creative input in the design project, Donald Potard, Partner Weyves Couture, said the collaboration is the ultimate exercise in exclusivity The Weyves Couture concept offers a level of distinctiveness to owners who wish to go beyond the conventional sense of luxury. Elie Saab is the only person who could have delivered the heady cocktail of power, balance and elegance in the design of this yacht in both its striking exterior presence and superior interior comforts
The yacht will be built by the prestigious mega yacht builder, Oceanco We are excited to be collaborating with the development and realization of this unique project. Our proven mega yacht technology and recognised quality, spanning eight 80m+ yachts over the last 5 years, provides an ideal platform for Elie Saab and Weyves Couture to express their formidable creative talent.The ES117 is a unique creation that epitomizes a successful coming together of engineering and design. Oceanco's exceptional know-how makes them the ideal partner to realize this creative endeavour added Potard.
With a hull made of steel and an aluminium superstructure, the yacht exterior is a study in modernity and elegance. Highlighting the sense of space and refinement has been central to Elie Saab's creative direction in the interiors of the ES117. Every detail has been put in place to showcase the exceptional quality of the materials used, and the skill of the master craftsmen who have worked on the interior design concept.The final design of the yacht reveals the minutiae of thought that has gone into providing the yacht-owner with every comfort and luxury imaginable.
Two private suites along two decks have been reserved for the owner, with 10 luxurious guest suites, a swimming pool, whirlpool, theatre, spa and gym available on board. A helicopter, submarine, car and water toys signed by Elie Saab complete the exclusive couture lifestyle offering aboard the ES117.
ES117 "Weyves Couture by Elie Saab" Unveiled
Weyves Couture is proud to announce that ES117 "Weyves Couture by Elie Saab" mega yacht was unveiled last Thursday at the Abu Dhabi Yacht Show.
Weyves in partnership with Donald Potard, Agent de Luxe, has joined forces with couturier, Elie Saab (; and yacht builder, OCEANCO (;, to bring to life this magnificent vessel.
For the future owner, it is an object that will attain a level of luxury that has never been seen before.
WEYVES COUTURE in exclusive partnership with AGENT DE LUXE, the first agency of Fashion Designers, established the WEYVES COUTURE CONCEPT mixing the worlds of Haute Couture and interior design. WEYVES COUTURE offers to owners of existing and new yachts alike, private jets, and properties a unique opportunity to work with renowned fashion designers to create pure, one-of-a-kind masterpieces.Weyves Couture offers yachts, jets, properties designed by the most acclaimed fashion designers.
Best regards,
The Weyves Couture Team
Dato' Romona Murad
KUALA LUMPUR 20 Feb. - Romona International Sdn. Bhd. telah diberikan hak eksklusif untuk mempromosi, memasar, menerbit dan melantik syarikat dari Malaysia untuk mengambil bahagian dalam Ekspo dan Persidangan Perusahaan Kecil dan Sederhana 2009 yang diadakan di Dubai, dari 26 hingga 29 September.
Ini disusuli penandatanganan Memorandum Persefahaman (MoU) hari ini di antara Romona International dan International Exposition (INTEX-Dubai).
"Sebagai sebuah negara membangun, Malaysia menumpukan kepada PKS dan banyak syarikat telah berkembang maju menjadi rakan kongsi perdagangan yang berjaya di dunia.
"Kami menjangkakan lebih daripada 40 syarikat dari Malaysia mengambil bahagian dalam ekspo ini," kata Pengarah Urusan Romona International, Romona Murad dalam satu kenyataan.
Ekspo dan Persidangan PKS pertama telah diadakan pada 2007 dan telah menarik lebih daripada 2,000 pelawat perniagaan dari seluruh dunia. Ekspo ini dijangkakan menarik lebih daripada 5,000 pelawat tahun ini.
Ekspo itu dianjurkan oleh INTEX-Dubai yang merupakan ahli Al-Fajer Information and Services, syarikat penganjur majlis rasmi di Dubai.
Romona International ialah syarikat terhad persendirian yang mempunyai perniagaan yang pelbagai termasuk dalam bidang hal ehwal awam, perniagaan antarabangsa, perundingan perniagaan dan fesyen. - Bernama
Kuala Lumpur - Romona International Sdn Bhd has been given the exclusive rights to promote, market,publish and recruit companies from Malaysia to participate in the Small and Medium Enterprise Expo and Conference 2009 in Dubai, from Sept 26-29.
This follows the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) today between Romona International and International Exposition (INTEX-Dubai).
The first SME Expo and Conference was held in 2007 and attracted more than 2,000 business visitors worldwide.It is expected to attract more than 5,000 visitors this year.
The Expo is organised by INTEX-Dubai which is a member of Al-Fajer Information and Services, an event organiser in Dubai.
Romona International is a private limited company that has a diversified business in public relations, international business, business consultancy and fashion.
Romona International Sdn Bhd and KARE Engineering Ltd, Turkey Joint Venture in Providing Solutions to Global Warming
Kuala Lumpur, 20 August 2008 Romona International Sdn Bhd (Romona International) and KARE Engineering Limited from Turkey today signed up a Memorandum of Understanding(MoU) for a joint venture in providing solutions to the global warming in Malaysia.
The ceremony which took place in Kuala Lumpur was represented by Romona Murad, the Managing Director/CEO of Romona International Sdn Bhd and Ahmet Boruban, the President of KARE Engineering Ltd from Adana, Turkey.
The MoU will give Romona International the exclusive rights to market and act as representative to KARE Engineering Ltd in Malaysia. The company will also be working closely with the representative office of KARE Engineering Ltd in Indonesia, PT Surya Besindo Sakti which functions as fabricator and provides engineering services.
According to Romona Murad, the Managing Director of Romona International, This joint -venture is a good venture where two countries are working together in combating the global issue. As we all are aware, the global warming is very serious nowadays with depletion of ozone layers, deforestations, heat waves and many more.
We have to learn how to save our planet and take care of our environment. The younger generations are to be taught of how to save the planet from danger of global warming. We feel that the solutions to environmental problems provided by KARE Engineering Ltd and its counterpart in Indonesia, PT Surya Besindo Sakti, are excellent and we hope that this venture will assist Malaysia to overcome the problems which contribute towards global warming.
KARE Engineering Ltd is among the first engineering companies in the world that does researches, improves solutions to the technical problems, makes changes and developments, innovates and creates alternative solutions to the customers. It specializes in preventing air pollutions, designs the flue gas purifying systems to remove sulphur oxide, hydrogen sulphide, dust and soots from the flue gas and get the job as turn-key. Through the usage of FGD systems which is one of the commonly used technologies for air pollution control, the company is able to reduce emissions and it becomes an important medium in controlling air pollution. KARE Engineering Ltd is a leading company on flue gas treatment in Turkey and it also receives scientific and technical assistance from several local and foreign universities. It also provides FGD Technologies through Wet FGD Technology using additive reactants and Seawater FGD Technology. The company has its representatives office in Indonesia, Romania and Australia.
JV between Romona International and Kare Engineering on Radio 24
Isu pemanasan global di Malaysia kian menjadi serius dengan berlakunya fenomena seperti penghakisan lapisan ozon, pembalakan, dan gelombang haba yang membawa kesan yang memudaratkan kepada alam semula jadi.
Sehubungan itu, tanggungjawab menangani isu pemanasan global telah diambil oleh Romona Internastional Sdn Bhd setelah menandatangani memorandum persefahaman (MOU) dengan syarikat KARE Engineering Limited dari Turkey hari ini.
Menurut Pengarah Urusan Romona International Sdn Bhd, Romona Murad, masalah global hari ini memerlukan pendekatan yang lebih berteknologi tinggi bagi menangani masalah yang kompleks seperti pemanasan global.
MOU tersebut mewujudkan kerjasama antara dua negara iaitu Malaysia dan Turkey bagi mencari jalan penyelesaian menangani isu pemanasan global.
Beliau berharap kerjasama tersebut juga dapat membantu syarikat-syarikat lain menangani masalah-masalah yang menyumbang kepada fenomena pemanasan global di negara ini.
Memorandum persefahaman telah ditandatangani antara Romona Murad, Pengarah Urusan Romona International Sdn Bhd dengan Ahmet Boruban, Presiden KARE Engineering Ltd dari Adana Turkey di Kuala Lumpur hari ini.
Kare Engineering sasar kontrak RM16.75 juta di Malaysia
KARE Engineering Ltd, penyedia penyelesaian masalah alam sekitar dari Turki mensasarkan meraih kontrak bernilai sekurang-kurangnya AS$5 juta (RM16.75 juta) di negara ini tahun ini.
Presidennya, Ahmet Boruban, berkata syarikat berkenaan melihat potensi sangat besar untuk memperkenalkan produknya di negara ini khususnya dalam industri petroleum, penghasilan tenaga, petro kimia, penapisan minyak dan perkapalan.
Beliau berkata, Kare Engineering melantik syarikat tempatan, Ramona International Sdn Bhd yang akan berperanan sebagai wakil syarikat itu di negara ini.
"Romona International diberi hak eksklusif untuk memasarkan dan bertindak sebagai wakil Kare Engineering di Malaysia.
"Syarikat itu juga akan bekerjasama erat dengan pejabat perwakilan Kare Engineering di Indonesia yang akan menyediakan perkhidmatan untuk kontrak kami di negara ini," katanya pada temubual di Balai Berita, Kuala Lumpur, baru-baru ini.
Kare Engineering ialah antara syarikat kejuruteraan utama di dunia yang melakukan penyelidikan, meningkatkan penyelesaian terhadap masalah teknikal, membangunkan inovasi serta mencipta penyelesaian alternatif kepada pelanggan.
Syarikat itu mengkhusus dalam mencegah pencemaran udara, mereka bentuk sistem penapisan udara bagi menyahkan sulfur oksida, hidrogen sulfida serta pelbagai jenis debu dan gas merbahaya lain.
Romona International ialah syarikat yang menjalankan pelbagai perniagaan dalam perhubungan awam, pengurusan acara, pengurusan artis, kosmetik dan fesyen, perniagaan antarabangsa serta pengurusan perniagaan dan jururunding.
Sementara itu, Romona berkata, pihaknya mengenal pasti pihak yang berpotensi untuk menggunakan perkhidmatan yang ditawarkan Kare Engineering dan sedang berunding dengan beberapa syarikat.
"Kami berharap kerjasama dengan Kare Engineering akan membantu pelbagai pihak di Malaysia mengatasi masalah pencemaran dengan lebih baik," katanya.