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    HH Princess Dato' Seri Dr Romona Murad had achieved huge success in the international scene. Below are all the honors and certificates that HH Princess had received from all over the world


    Mr. Osama Lashin, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Prof. Dr. Abdul Salam Hussein, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, have the honor to grant Her Highness Princess Dato’ Seri Dr Romona Murad, the Presidency of the Honorary Newspaper, as of September 1st, 2020. We wish Her Highness Princess a continued progress and prosperity in the future. We have accredited Her Highness Princess background and we are honored to present to you her biography: Curriculum Vitae Name / HH Princess Dato’ Seri Dr Romona Murad. Her Highness Princess is a Malaysian and used to live in the USA. She received her Honorary Doctorate, Dra. H.C. in Human Rights and Preservation of the Environment in Asia from the Saint Peter and Saint Paul Lutheran Institute in October 2019. She also received an Honorary Doctorate (Dr) in Fine Arts and Management from the International Royal Academy of United Nations in 2011. She holds an MBA in Communications and Media from Berkeley International University, USA in 2007 and a BA in Political Science (concentration in Business Administration and English) from the University of Texas, Arlington USA in 1990. Her Highness is a sought after personality and well-linked worldwide as Peace Ambassador, a speaker as well as a successful businesswoman. She has with her more than 25 years experience in Public Relations, Communications, Advertising, Promotions and Event Management. Her Highness is recognized for her international relations expertise, charitable activities and has networks all over the world.


    The birthday of HH Princess Dato' Seri Dr Romona Murad


    H.E. HH Princess Dr. Romona Murad (Malaysia) HH Princess Dato’ Dr Romona Murad has been chosen as one of the candidates in the vote for the Medal of Excellence for the Most Influential Figures in the World 2014 in “International Peace and Human Rights”. Goodwill Ambassador at Peace Mission & Diplomatic Relations Organization, Board of Directors at Royal Academy of the UN and Chairperson for Malaysia at the Royal Society Group, URGC Ambassador At Large International Royal Association of Royals & Nobles Registered Members ROYAL ASSOCIATION POLICY SET BY THE ROYAL VICE SECRETARY GENERAL H.R.H. PRINCE CHRYSOSTOMOS II. 1. Shall never be unjust or apply prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, color, age, disability, sex, gender difference, marital status, nationality, culture, religion or title 2. Shall never attempt to convert any person from their existing religious beliefs, sexual orientation, political views or other belief systems 3. Shall treat all people with the same dignity, kindness and respect as you would be expected to be treated 4. Shall at all times express honesty, morality, kindness and respect to all mankind 5. Shall treat equally, those who are rich with those who are poor and those different to you 6. Shall dedicate what ever time that is possible in helping mankind in what ever means is within your capacity at that given time 7. To express and be compassionate, sympathetic, or apply generous behavior or disposition to those in need 8. When withing your capacity, means and or power you shall seek to promote human welfare 9. When possible you shall express concern and apply action in helping to improve the welfare and happiness of all people. 10. Shall never judge those who you deem to be different to you 11. Shall never apply your title as a form of authority or order or command upon or against another person or persons ​12. Shall directly and or indirectly express the ethos of love and kindness to all people 13. Shall consult and guide people in being virtuous 14. Shall speak out against any injustices to mankind 15. Shall respect the customs, cultures, religions and laws of other people and treat all as equals upon a foundation of a common and universal language of love and kindness and show that we are all brothers and sisters under God and to remind all that love and kindness is something we all respect and agree upon and share equally, which makes it the only unprejudiced truth that unites as all 16. To always remind yourself that our time on earth is is not unlimited and the time we are blessed with, should be spent virtuously, so that out lives can truly be celebrated ​17. Give without ever expecting to receive anything in return and be thank-full 18, Never expect or requests or accept any gifts of any type or money or any other type of reward for your virtuous actions as a registered member of the Royal Association 19. There are various inherited and or awarded ranks of Royal and Noble Titles, as Registered Members of the Royal Association all ranks are united equally in their servitude to humanity, and it is fitting to all Registered Members of the Royal Association to accept that virtuousness and humanitarian acts which unites us all, and cannot be measured by rank, in this we are all united and equal. 20. If it is withing your financial means to be charitable, be charitable, if it is not within your financial means to be charitable then be charitable in some other way, even if it is a simple gesture of kindness and or a few kind and encouraging words to someone, it is equally, all charitable. ​21. The Royal Association Oath is required to be taken by yourself – I hereby solemnly swear that I shall at all times be virtuous in all my acts as a member of the Royal Association and bring honor to my name and Title via my virtuous acts in serving humanity. ROYAL & NOBLES HAVE HELPED GUIDE AND SHAPED THE WORLD WE LIVE IN TODAY

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